
Nature surrounds us with the most dazzling colours — of flowers, animals, even stones — that are always in perfect harmony with each other. COLOUR ME FLOWER is a toolkit that invites you to explore, test and choose colour combinations inspired by nature. It can be used for many different purposes, ranging from fashion and interior furnishing to industrial design.

Petal of a Poppy flower held between two fingers

For this, the first COLOUR ME FLOWER collection, Franciska Meijers analysed nearly 200 flowers with an artist’s eye for beauty and wonder. 36 flowers were selected from Dutch gardens, parks and meadows to create a versatile colour palette with hand-painted colour swatches and RGB colours for digital and analog use.


Each colour combination consists of three to six colours, of which the intensity can be adjusted using the ‘colour palette’. In addition, every flower comes with five functions of the colour combination: proportion, space, interval, texture and gradient.

Detail of colours

Franciska Meijers is a colour designer based in the Netherlands. She works as a colour designer for international design studios and undertakes independent projects and commissions. Meijers creates her own colour concepts, swatches and mixtures using a hands-on, studio-based approach.


As a student at Design Academy Eindhoven, Meijers completed internships at Jongeriuslab, Royal Tichelaar Makkum and Scholten & Baijings. While working for Studio Wieki Somers (2015 - 2021) she took on projects for a wide range of clients including Hermès, Robeco, Moroso, Galerie Kreo, 2016/Arita, Thomas Eyck, Mudac and Kvadrat. In 2022, Meijers worked for wallpaper company BN Walls as part of the Studio Stefan Scholten team. For more information, visit www.franciskameijers.com.